
Showing posts from April, 2017

Breaking Free From Oppression – By Autumn Boyet Stinton – March 2017

  Life…funny how it works.   No matter how old you are or how smart you think you might be, there are always lessons to be learned and room for growth.   Now in my 40’s, I’ve started to notice that I really don’t know jack-crap about anything and as I feel myself mellowing out a little bit, I also feel that lessons are being given to me again to work through so I can adapt them to a new stage of my life.   That very thing happened to me recently and I was a little stunned to find I was a little blindsided by the incident.   But before I delve into the story, here is a little refresher on a sensitive topic.   Hear me out.   There is a point to all this, I promise.     Oppression n. - Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.   The state of being subject to unjust treatment or control.   Making up nearly half of humanity as we know it, women, still today, face oppression.   The reasons for this oppression have and will long be debated. Whether it is a result of testostero