
Showing posts from September, 2019

It's More Than Just a Band...(September 17, 2019)

     This past summer, July 2, 2019 to be exact, my favorite band Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers were inducted into the AZ Music and Entertainment Hall Of Fame.  ( A little clip of RCPM from the AZ Hall of Fame Induction: )       Doug introduced me to Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers.  And while Doug has been a fan since the Mill Ave/Long Wong’s days, I’m a pretty new recruit.  Yet, still, some friends and family call us groupies.  I get it…If you know us at all, you know that this band plays a big roll in our lives.  We live and breathe their music, we drink their tequila, we travel near and far to attend their concerts and we’ve had them play in our backyard twice.  But it is something more than that…      To begin with, the music has a pull that recharges us.  It surrounds you, lifts you up, washes away the sludge of everyday life and restores an inner balance, putting me back in touch with my personal energy fields.  That isn’t a bunch of “