Cancer: The Long & The Short of It (1/27/2020)

It's been a minute since I've written anything. To be honest, it's been a minute since I've felt like being verbal. I've spent the past couple of months feeling very introspective, in a "I don't want to talk," "I don't have the energy to analyze it," I just need to let this simmer" kind of way. It felt like the right thing to do and so I just went with it. But now I'm ready to close this chapter and move on. However, to go forward, I have to go back a bit. Here's what happened... I stumbled into 2019 feeling worn down and not myself. My #1 goal was to value myself enough to pursue better health to increase my quality of life. It was a rough road. I was constantly sick, missing work and even in the hospital a couple times throughout the first half of the year. By the time June rolled around, I was in pain and vomiting all the time and exhausted from just getting out of bed. I remember getting o...