Reality vs. a Carefully Crafted Façade - 10/6/2022

A couple of days ago, in an attempt to verbalize how I was feeling, I turned to my husband and said, "I feel as though I'm standing in the midst of a myriad of broken mirror pieces." To which he replied, "What does that mean?" I sat with those feelings for a couple days. And then, yesterday, the words came. And so, I made the post "The Shattered Mirror of Me - by Autumn Boyet-Stinton" here on my blog. In honesty, I forgot that my blog "auto-publishes" to my FB feed, (I think I was successful in changing that option) so, I was initially confused to have friends reach out to me privately to see if I was "ok." Once I figured out what they were responding to, I was moved by their concern. However, what struck me most and what prevented me from taking the post down (because I didn't want to cause concern) was that everyone I spoke to, said that my words, however personal, resonated with them. . .."My expression of my ve...