A Poem: My Parade - by Autumn Boyet Stinton (May 25, 2017)

This morning I received a message from a friend about raining (she actually said pooping...but I digress) on my parade. It made me giggle because I tend to roll with the punches for the most part and blithely ignore party-"pooping." So I got to thinking about my patterns and my life outlook on my drive in to work. As I drove along, I realized that thoughts on this particular topic we colorful, whimsical like a carousel and I was literally waxing poetic in my own head as follows: My Parade – By Autumn Boyet Stinton (May 25, 2017) Every color and every feeling… Leaves me laughing, dancing, spinning, reeling. Noise and sound always flowing… Participants many, shrinking, growing. As fickle as my every whim… It is for my life a synonym. I make it what I want you see… Inviting some to join with me. The invitation is very clear… Join with me, Yes, I’m most sincere. ...