A Poem: The Cowboy Within – Autumn Boyet Stinton (October 23, 2016)

The Cowboy Within – Autumn Boyet Stinton (October 23, 2016)

The renegade
The rule breaker
The hero
The risk taker
The lover
The fighter
The poet
The stay-up-all-night-er
The gentle
The sweet
The singer
The ‘howdy’ to all they meet
The worker
The player
The boss
The stay-er
The wild
The complete
The brave
The antsy feet
The trier
The dancer
The winker
The relentless romance-er
The calm
The cool
The leader
The wanderer
The gamer
The holder
The ‘I’ll take the balme-er’
The hermit
The social man
The musician
The ‘You bet I can’
The stern
The tougher
The achiever
The can’t get enough-er
The ornery
The mild
The runner
The fragile inner child
The traveler
The finder
The easy-going
The gentle remind-er
The patient
The buck-up
The somber
The don’t fuck up

This poem was inspired by the vast open country of Wyoming and the Cowboys that rode and still ride that land today with dust on their hats and dirt in their veins.  Here's to all of us that have a little cowboy running in our veins! 


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