Who I am vs. Who I became (August 8, 2017)
This part of my life, the past couple of years, have been and still are about self-discovery and self-awareness. It is a heady thing. I find that I battle careening between emotional extremes. In one moment, I feel excited and exhilarated, thrilled and invigorated at learning and becoming aware of some new aspect of myself; the next, I am drained, exhausted, sad and completely spent. Before I go any further I want to stop and talk about my journey thus far and the methods I have incorporated. I wish there wasn’t such a stigma related to mental health. We take seriously our physical health and don’t judge or condemn people for getting regular physicals and dental check-ups. Our mental health and well-being should be at least as important. The world we live in is hectic, stressful and sometimes traumatic. If we maintained a minimum level of mental health awareness, providing ourselves with regular check-ups, I firmly believ...