Making A Difference

 So, I was sitting here thinking:  I gotta figure out how to do something that makes a difference in this world.  

Gahhh!   I gotta get my poop in a group and figure out a way to make a difference... I mean... I'm not getting any younger... tick-tock!  

But, what do I do?  What can I contribute to my community, my region, my country, my world that will have a meaningful impact?  I feel like being mindful of my contributions to the betterment of our planet, and thus our civilization for generations to come... It's important.  It's vital.  

At the same time, it feels so big...actually HUGE to take on the idea that I could make a big impact.  And, I feel fairly certain that I'm over-ASSuming my self-importance. what CAN I do.  What are others doing that gives them a deeper sense of meaning in their current existence?  I would venture a guess that it's pretty individual - depending on the individual's emotional, physical, spiritual progression, and life path - but sharing the place and ways we find meanings seems like a really good topic of conversation.  We need to be having this conversation.  How can we be having this conversation in a much more meaningful and productive manner - thus making it more common place to the extent that we shift the tide.  (And it's a tide. Trust me, I get it, it's a RIPTIDE that would need to be shifted.  But, the potential difference made by making that shift in the name of growth, knowledge, progression, sustainability and peace - the effort would seem beyond sensible considering the long term benefit to our civilization.  

So... where do I start?  (((gulp))))

I think I can start small.  I'll check in with my people and really listen to them when I ask them what gives their life meaning.  Or, maybe they won't be able to answer and I would totally get it. (I mean, here I am realizing it's time to at least dip my toe into the water.  No shifting the tide, if I can't even get my toe wet, right?!?). But if nothing else, maybe it will plant just one little seed that makes someone else think about it...  Which, if nothing else/worst case scenario, that positive energy put out into the Universe...that could never do anything but good.  

I'm excited to know more about my peeps!  


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