Who Am I?


In my 40th year of life, as many things seemed to unravel around my feet, I had reason to pause and think about me.  Who am I really.  I started seeing an amazing coach/therapist/guide that I have really connected with.  One of the first things that she told me was that our personality types aren't necessarily who we really are, but can be the barrier and protection that we build to keep our most sacred and intimate parts of ourselves safe.  That rang true to me - for various reasons, but primarily because I was at a point in my life where I was feeling lost - lost to myself.  I wasn't sure who I was anymore.  I was feeling overwhelmed by being underwhelmed.  I felt adrift and for the first time in my life, very uncertain about who I was.  I felt like there was a place in me that was cool, dark, calm cavernous and peaceful that was just our of reach.  And so my quest began...Who am I today?


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