What is this feeling? Oh…It’s Grief!
The past 48 hours have been traumatic and emotionally challenging to say the least. The election has left my head thick and I have a feeling, a weight that I’ve been unable to identify and it is unsettling. I understand that the democratic system that is in place in the country that I love has elected a President. I cherish the freedoms I have to express my thoughts and opinion and therefore I respect that there are opinion that differ from mine and I understand that these differences are what make us great. But there is a lingering weight that continues to bears down on me and I have been uncertain how to identify exactly what it is and therefore, I have been at a loss as to how to deal with it. But, this morning, it hit me. I am grief stricken. I am grieving - mourning a loss. I can only speak for myself here, and as much as I would like to offer an explanation for and defend others whom I assume may be feeling...