What is this feeling? Oh…It’s Grief!
The past 48 hours have been traumatic and emotionally challenging to
say the least. The election has left my
head thick and I have a feeling, a weight that I’ve been unable to identify and
it is unsettling. I understand that the
democratic system that is in place in the country that I love has elected a
President. I cherish the freedoms I have
to express my thoughts and opinion and therefore I respect that there are
opinion that differ from mine and I understand that these differences are what
make us great. But there is a lingering
weight that continues to bears down on me and I have been uncertain how to identify
exactly what it is and therefore, I have been at a loss as to how to deal with
But, this morning, it hit me. I
am grief stricken. I am grieving - mourning a loss.
I can only speak for myself here, and as much as I would like to offer
an explanation for and defend others whom I assume may be feeling the same way,
I will refrain from doing so and ask that you realize this is the way “I”
I will start here because it speaks to my grief on a couple levels:
Last night we attended a funeral of our friend’s 15 year old son who took
with own life. His parents were
unsuspecting and shocked as they didn’t know of his anguish. Joshua felt like an outsider, different and
the assumption that it was too much for this young man to bear not being
accepted is simply heart-breaking. We
mourn with our friends who lost their child and the community that faces the
challenge of working to realign the young minds as well as the adults in their
thinking that no one should be shunned, persecuted or be an outsider because of
their individuality.
As we were leaving the funeral, feeling the full weight and sadness of
this tragedy, I received an unsolicited email from a friend and neighbor that
could be defined as none other than a vicious attack. This message couldn’t have come at a worse
time. It was a hateful, aggressive and
rude politically charged attack that was mean to cut and gloat. Despite respectfully replying that I could
and would engage as we were laying to rest a friend, the barrage continued and
actually became a personal attack, calling into question my very morals, ethics
and individuality. There was no empathy
for the emotional upheaval and sorrow we were working through, only mean,
vicious, hateful words. I will reiterate
that this was completely unsolicited and in all manners an attempt to bully and
belittle me, my beliefs and the moral fabric that makes me who I am.
I believe in diversity
I believe in kindness
I believe in tolerance of differences
I believe in fair trade
I believe in freedom
I believe in justice
I believe in respect
I believe in fairness
I believe in forgiveness
I believe in honesty
I believe in community
I believe in growth
I believe in good
For the record, this manner of interaction is simply beyond me. I do not understand intentional cruelty,
intolerance or the attitude of superiority that any human displays as a result
of thinking they are better than anyone else.
But how does this correspond to what I am feeling about this election
and the state of society?
It relates in that this attitude of intolerance, aggression, cruelty
and selfishness have morphed from closeted bad manners that people have been
required to restrain, to an acceptable and approved way to interact in our
society without consequence.
This attitude of I was getting lost in my concern and my opinions about
things – the things that I care about like our environment, our economy,
respect, etc. However, it is actually
more clear cut than I realized when I list the specifics:
It isn’t about blue or red. It isn’t
pantsuits vs. comb-overs. It isn’t
deciding if lying about email or vulgar language and admitted disrespect is
worse. It isn’t about Republican or
Democratic. It isn’t about winning or
losing a debate. It isn’t about winning
or losing the election itself. It isn’t
about the economy. It isn’t about the
opinions and respect of foreign nations.
It isn’t about my political concerns or fears.
My sadness and mourning is about now clearly understanding some
distressing differences. It is about two
very different ways of seeing the world and people around me. It is
about looking some frightening realizations in the eye and knowing that they very
real and not ok with me. I can break it
down to a simple list.
I believe in love
I believe in acceptanceI believe in diversity
I believe in kindness
I believe in tolerance of differences
I believe in fair trade
I believe in freedom
I believe in justice
I believe in respect
I believe in fairness
I believe in forgiveness
I believe in honesty
I believe in community
I believe in growth
I believe in good
As I list the things that I personally strive to use as a guide to
living my life, I can counter the above with recent, admitted examples of exclusion,
bullying and attacks based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, skin color,
differences, economic status and disabilities.
This isn’t about a difference of opinion when it comes to
politics. This isn’t me throwing a fit
about a candidate not winning.
This state of mourning and sadness that I feel is about the gut-wrenching
realization that at least half of my country, half of my friends, neighbors,
family, community members, co-workers – people that I live close to, engage
with and have respect for - have validated and declared that hate, bullying,
discrimination, disrespect, bigotry, racism and intolerance is ok, and in fact,
This is not only heart-breaking to me, as I can no longer blithely assume
that there is good in all people, (because these things are far from qualities
that define a person of character), but more so the very comfort of feeling
safe in my community is jeopardized as this demagogue was voted for and
And so, I grieve - I mourn.
I mourn the loss of grace,
logic, kindness, empathy, manners, civilized interaction, respect, honesty,
good, diversity, acceptance, community, tolerance, justice, fairness, forgiveness,
love…And most of all, I mourn my safe naivety toward those who make up the
society I live in and the peace I have sacrificed in this knowledge.
But this is only one step in the process....
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