Are We (humans) Really Fucking This Up?!? (July 26, 2017)

Even if you believe in creation, doesn’t the planet, (virtually every life form), still currently operate on chance? Each tree, plant and grass all release millions of seeds and billions of pollens over their lifetime resting their regeneration on the chance of reproducing and or spreading. Animals and insects do the same – every day all over the planet. Even with humans, women produce hundreds of eggs and men produce billions of sperm, all for the chance of reproduction. It’s the same everywhere to varying degrees. Almost all life on the planet Earth operates under some variation of chance. Ok…now here is where my thought process get a little “out there”...but stay with me. Let’s add a little genetics and DNA into this thought process. We share 99% of our DNA with Chimpanzees, 97% with other apes, 93% with mice, and 50% with a simple banana. Think about that for a second. Then consider that many of those ge...