Dreams (9/20/2017)

I dream a lot.  I dream in color.  I have repetitive dreams.  I can wake up and then fall back asleep and go back to the dream as if I had just pressed pause.  I remember my dreams – at least most of them unless I am sleep walking/talking.  Those dreams escape me and my ability to recall them. 
For the past couple years, I’ve been dreaming of houses.  I dream of big, expansive houses with many bedrooms.  In these dreams, the houses all belong to be, but it seems that most of them are recent acquisitions and I have lots to discover. 

There are always many, many bedrooms.  However, I usually am limited to a couple bedrooms that are actually put together, decorated, and in use while others lay in wait for me to clean them, or sort through the contents.  Most of the bedrooms that need sorted through are on a second level of the building.  I find I am excited to look through what has been left in the rooms and I think about the treasures that I will find there.  Sometimes I think about needing to have a garage sale to get rid of the items that have been left. 

 At times, I dream of rooms filled with expensive garments and accessories – the abandoned collection of a wealthy heiress.  I am dazzled by vintage shoes, gowns, jewelry, handbags and accessories in what seems like a closet turned into store all laid out for me to peruse.  Other times I find the room contents are boxed up and will need to be sorted and weeded through. 

 I dream of rooms that are gardens of lush green and fragrant blossoms leading to roof sanctuaries.  These spaces seem to need to be left alone. 

I dream of bedrooms that are dark and dangerous.  I know them to contain evil spirits or vibes that are best left alone.  I often feel that these rooms are wasted and that they need to be cleaned out, but since there are usually a plethora of other rooms that need my attention, I simply close the doors and let them be. 

I dream of basements full of antiques and dusty boxes.  I consider how to get the items out of the basements, but find that I take only a few cherishes items in a rush as there is danger of water engulfing the basements. 

The houses vary in style.  From expansive estates with acres of well-tended grounds; to old Victorian masterpieces; to two-story Spanish-style homes with verandas and a center courtyard; to the different houses of my childhood; to clean minimalist lofts - my dreams contain all sorts of houses.  Some of them were actual homes of my past, (Falls Creek Ranch, 1831 Forest Avenue in Durango, 17035 Shirley Street in Omaha), all making appearances in my dreams. 

The house in Omaha appears often in my dreams.  It is a bit different however in that, I am always coming back to find it in some state of disrepair and I walk in to it as if it were my own and see the changes that have been made by the current owner and yet decide that I want to live there again.  Often, I dream that we just take up residence in the house again, knowing that we should talk to the owner before we do, but still feeling as though I have a right to take it back over.  It always turns out that the owner lets us have the house back and we work to fix the things that he has let go.  The only difference is that the house always has a hidden room that has been left un-touched in my absence.  It is within the walls and only I can find it.  It is a heavily adorned room, very long and adorned with gilded antiques and expensive, (if not slightly dusty) furnishes. 


Last night I dreamt of a house that I was only renting.  I came home to find that there was water coming out the front door and flooding the front yard.  Upon opening the door, the pungent odor of mold, mildew and rot assaulted me.  The house, once beautiful, was in severe disrepair.  The floors were covered with water, ankle-deep, warping, and giving way with mold and deterioration.  The staircase was rotting and causing all the problems.  The landlord was called to begin mold abatement and water damage repair while I surveyed the upstairs rooms that were strewn with the leftover mess of his children who lived there prior.  The upstairs was very messy and dirty and it was obvious that poor children had lived and slept there for some time without cleaning.  But, despite that, I could see that a simple removal of their left belongings would render the space usable and comfortable.  In this particular dream, I envisioned sharing the house with people in need, specifically displaced women. 

But, what does it all mean?

House:  To see a house in your dream represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. In general, the attic represents your intellect, the basement represents the unconscious, etc. If the house is empty, then it indicates feelings of insecurity. If the house is shifting, then it suggests that you are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system. To dream that a house has no walls, represents a lack of privacy. You feel that everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business.

To see an abandoned house in your dream implies that you have left behind your past. You are ready to move forward toward the future.

To dream that you are cleaning your house signifies your need to clear out your thoughts and get rid of old ways. You are seeking self-improvement.

If you live with others in your waking life, but dream that you are living alone, suggests that you need to take new steps toward independence. You need to accept responsibilities and be more self-reliant.

To see an old, run-down house in your dream represents your old beliefs, attitudes and how you used to think or feel. A situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. Alternatively, the old house may symbolize your need to update you mode of thinking. If you see messy and/or dilapidated houses in your dream, then it implies that an aspect of your own life is in chaos. You may be suffering from some emotional or psychological clutter. You need to release these feelings in order to regain control.  To dream that your house is damaged indicates your waking concerns about the condition of your house.

To see a new house in your dream indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life. You are becoming more emotionally mature. If you are locked out of the house, then it represents rejection and insecurity. You feel you are being left behind.

To dream that your house is broken into suggests that you are feeling violated. It may refer to a particular relationship or current situation in your life. Alternatively, it indicates that some unconscious material is attempting to make itself known. There are some aspects of yourself that you have denied.

To dream of a haunted house signifies unfinished emotional business, related to your childhood family, dead relatives, or repressed memories and feelings.

To dream that a house has disappeared indicates that you are not feeling grounded. You feel uprooted by a particular circumstance or relationship in your life. 

To dream that water is rising up in your house, suggests that you are becoming overwhelmed by your emotions.

Roof:  To see a roof in your dream symbolizes a barrier between two states of consciousness. You are protecting or sheltering your consciousness, mentality, and beliefs. The dream provides an overview of how you see yourself and who you think you are.

To dream that you are on top of a roof symbolizes boundless success. If you fall off the roof, then it suggests that you do not have a firm grip and solid foundation on your advanced position. If you dream that the rooftops are falling away from you as you cross from rooftop to rooftop, then it implies that there is no turning back once you move forward with your goals. You need to stay the course and continue to move forward. If you are re-roofing in your dream, then it suggests that you need to raise your goals and set your sights higher.

To dream that the roof is leaking represents distractions, annoyances, and unwanted influences in your life. New information is slowly revealing itself to you. Something is finally getting through to you. Alternatively, the dream means that someone is imposing and intruding their thoughts and opinions on you.

To dream that the roof is falling in, indicates that your high ideals are crashing down on you. Perhaps you need to rethink the high expectations or goals you have set for yourself.   TOP

Room:  To dream that you are in a room, represents a particular aspect of yourself or a particular relationship.  Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality.

To dream that you find or discover a new room, suggests that you are developing new strengths and taking on new roles. You may be growing emotionally. Consider what you find in the discovered room as it may indicate repressed memories, fears, or rejected emotions. Alternatively, such rooms are symbolic of neglected skills or rejected potential.

To see an appealing or comfortable room in your dream signifies opulence and satisfaction in life.

To dream that you are in an empty white room, indicates a fresh start. It is like a blank canvas. You want to start life anew. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to isolate yourself. You do not want any outside influences.

To see a dark, eerie or confining room denotes that you feel trapped or repressed in a situation.

To dream of a yellow room suggests that you need to use your mind. You are feeling stimulated mentally.    

Stairs:  To dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs indicate that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual, emotional or material journey. The dream is also analogous to material and thoughts that are coming to the surface.

To dream that you are walking down a flight of stairs represents your repressed thoughts. You are regressing back into your unconscious. It also refers to the setbacks that you are experiencing in your life. If you are afraid of going down the stairs, then it means that you are afraid to confront your repressed emotions and thoughts. Is there something from your past that you are not acknowledging?

To dream that you slip or trip on the stairs signify your lack of self-confidence or conviction in the pursuit of some endeavor. If you slip going up the stairs, then it means that you are moving too fast toward attaining your goals. If you slip going down the stairs, then it suggests that you are moving too quickly in delving into your unconscious. You may not be quite ready to confront your unconscious or repressed thoughts.

To see spiral or winding stairs signify growth and/or rebirth.

Toilet:  To see a toilet in your dream symbolizes a release of emotions or getting rid of something in your life that is useless.

To see a clogged toilet in your dream signifies that you are holding in and keeping your feelings to yourself. Your emotions have been pent up too long.

To see an overflowing toilet in your dream, denotes your desires to fully express your emotions.     

Walls:  To see a wall in your dream signifies limitations. obstacles and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing your progress. You may be too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking.

To dream that you jump over a wall, suggests that you will overcome tough obstacles and succeed.

To dream that you demolish or break down a wall, indicates that you are breaking through obstacles and overcoming your limitations. If you see a wall crumble, then it suggests that you have easily risen above your problems and overcame your barriers.

To dream that you are building a wall represents a bad relationship or some childhood trauma. You are trying to keep others out for fear of getting hurt again. It also suggest that you have accepted your limitations.

To dream that you are hiding behind a wall suggests that you ashamed in acknowledging your connections.

To dream that you are being thrown or shot through a wall, literally means that you need to breakdown those walls that you have put up around you. You need to venture out and explore.   

To dream that a house has no walls represents a lack of privacy. You feel that everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business.

Garden:  To see a vegetable or fruit garden in your dream indicates that your hard work and diligence will pay off in the end.  It is also symbolic of stability, potential, and inner growth. You need to cultivate a new skill or nurture your spiritual and personal growth.

To see a flower garden in your dream represents tranquility, comfort, love and domestic bliss. You need to be more nurturing.

To see sparse, weed-infested garden, suggests that you have neglected your spiritual needs. You are not on top of things.

Floor:  To see the floor in your dream represents your support system and sense of security. You have a firm foundation that you can depend on. The floor in your dream may also symbolize the division between the subconscious and conscious. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on being "floored" or being completely surprised. Perhaps you have been caught off guard about something. To kiss the floor in your dream implies that you are grateful for the life you have.

To see a polished, wooden floor in your dream indicates that you are fully aware of your unconscious and keeping it suppressed.

To see a slanted floor in your dream, foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and goals.

To dream about the floors of a building represents your level of understanding, awareness or success. the higher floors signify higher accomplishments and achievements. If you are in the lower floors, then it refers to more primal attitudes, the unconscious and/or sexuality.  It also denotes failures. Consider the significance of the floor number and the type of building the floors are on.

To dream that the floor is made of rubber suggests that you are testing your limits. You are given certain freedoms to explore who you are. Alternatively, dreaming of a rubber floor signifies your forgiving or yielding support system. You are surrounded by people who accept you for your mistakes and flaws.

Bedroom:  To dream that you are in the bedroom, signifies aspects of yourself that you keep private and hidden. It is also indicative of your sexual nature and intimate relations.
Oh to see, what dreams may come! 


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