
Showing posts from 2018

A Year of Books: (2018 In Review)

In 2017 my goal was to read 100 books.  I made that goal, plus an additional 7, ending with 107.  It was a joyful year getting lost in the pages of wonderful stories and escaping reality into my imagination.  In 2018, I wanted to stretch myself and my comfort zone.  This was a challenge as I tend to think of reading as a pleasurable thing - a treat - and why would I force myself to eat veggies if I could have chocolate?  Well, because we all know that we need more than just sugar to balance us out and make us healthy.  So, my 2018 goal was to stretch myself into things I wouldn't normally read and feed my soul with content with a little umph!  I started by forming a book club at work and that was a good beginning step into opening new genres that I may have avoided or simply not sought out.  I didn't make it 100 books this year, (I only made it to 77) but, I feel as though I fed my mind a little more - but still indulged in the reading that gives me pleasure and is a releas