Gifts: (December 28, 2018)

gift - n. - a thing given willingly to someone without payment expected

For whatever reason this year - as has been discussed in length with my dear friend Denise – the “reason for the season” seems to be muddied with greed, hostility, and attitudes that are nothing short of foul.  Gifting has become an outlandish expectation that puts stress on the giver and tends to give the receiver no lasting joy. 

I was reading an article about Millennials recently.  I realize that there is always a younger generations of “whipper-snappers” that society complains about…I’ve been that generation myself…but despite all the negativity about millennials, I’ve found their obsession with “experiences” refreshing.  I know some will argue that they are not securing a future for themselves, etc.  However, I am simply commenting on their experience-driven desires.  I think it is a step in the right direction – away from all the “stuff” that clogs up and weighs down our lives and Mother Earth. 

I was the recipient of some very beautiful and thoughtful gifts this season.  My husband spoiled me and I loved each one, but there was one gift in particular that I will always cherish.  This is what I posted on social media about it: 

Thursday, 12/20/2018:  “My heart is full. Doug gave me the most precious gift last night. While I made some holiday treats and put together some gift cards, HE suggested we have an egg-nogger cocktail and watch a movie. HE picked out The Polar Express and made us a drink. We sat together in the glow of our tree and sipped our drinks and reveled in each other’s comforting companionship. It was peaceful, calm and I treasure the evening as the special gift that it was - not an expensive present wrapped to tantalize my eyes, but a priceless gift of time together - a few hours designed just for us to BE together.  A true gift. Thank you, my love!”

And so, in 2019, I hope to be a better gift-giver.  I am also looking forward to taking more time to appreciate and treasure moments of togetherness and the memories that I will cherish as a result of those moments. 


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