A Recollection: My Childhood Summer Memories (8/17/2018)

Nostalgia is a funny thing. Triggered by smells, sights, sounds or just a brief flash back – a glimpse of a wistful memory or moment long past, but recalled with affection. As summer comes to a close for so many school aged children, and kids head back to school, I have found that I am indulging in my childhood memories of summer. The most vivid of my memories are of the summers that took place at Falls Creek Ranch. I can close my eyes and feel the cool mornings and cool evenings on my skin. I can smell the fresh mountain air seeping in through the window screens. I can hear my mom’s voice floating up the stairs. As annoying as it was when I was a kid that she was always so chipper in the mornings, her pleasant morning singing and the noises of her clambering around the kitchen soothe me now in my memories. I suppose that my mom's descriptive adjectives of summer might not be the same as mine. But, I’m not...