
Showing posts from February, 2020

He Took A Knee : A Poem (2/28/2020)

Last night, as I lay in my bed, enjoying the "fuzzy place" between awake and asleep, I found myself lingering on thoughts of the man by my side.  His kind heart.  His caring nature.  His strength.  His playful demeanor.  His truly good soul.  And I thought to myself, "I love this man.  I am so fortunate that he puts up with my shit!" (Full disclosure:  I had been - as my dad would have said - a witch with a capital "B" most of the evening.) As I loathed my behavior and planned my apology for the morning, I couldn't help but think about the stress he's endured...because of me.  And the worry that plagues him...because of me. A moment that he recently shared with me came to mind - the moment the Oncologist came to him after my surgery and told him that I was in recovery and doing good.  And more, that I didn't need chemo or radiation. He said that relief he felt was so great that he took a knee.  I was so touched by this reaction and that he

Internal Dialogue - Proof of Our Existence? (2/5/2020)

Whatever you might call it – internal monologue, self-talk, inner or internal speech or discourse – we all have an internal voice because we are here – we are alive.   To put it in very simple terms, your internal dialogue is/are your thoughts.   A French man by the name of Descates is famously quoted as saying. “I think, Therefore I Am.”   I’ll come back to this statement in a moment, but for now it is important to take that quote at face value in that, the ability to think and reason in situations is part of what makes us innately human.   Our internal dialogue/thinking is the little voice in your head that comments on your life, what is going on around you and what you are thinking (whether consciously or unconsciously).   It only makes sense then, as life is a non-stop whirlwind, that our internal dialogue runs all the time.   When looking at Descates quote, (as seen above), I would like to venture that there is more to his statement.   Of course there is a simple meaning