He Took A Knee : A Poem (2/28/2020)

Last night, as I lay in my bed, enjoying the "fuzzy place" between awake and asleep, I found myself lingering on thoughts of the man by my side. His kind heart. His caring nature. His strength. His playful demeanor. His truly good soul. And I thought to myself, "I love this man. I am so fortunate that he puts up with my shit!" (Full disclosure: I had been - as my dad would have said - a witch with a capital "B" most of the evening.) As I loathed my behavior and planned my apology for the morning, I couldn't help but think about the stress he's endured...because of me. And the worry that plagues him...because of me. A moment that he recently shared with me came to mind - the moment the Oncologist came to him after my surgery and told him that I was in recovery and doing good. And more, that I didn't need chemo or radiation. He said that relief he felt was so great that he took a knee. I was so touched by this reaction ...