Internal Dialogue - Proof of Our Existence? (2/5/2020)

Whatever you might call it – internal monologue, self-talk, inner or internal speech or discourse – we all have an internal voice because we are here – we are alive.  To put it in very simple terms, your internal dialogue is/are your thoughts. 

A French man by the name of Descates is famously quoted as saying. “I think, Therefore I Am.”  I’ll come back to this statement in a moment, but for now it is important to take that quote at face value in that, the ability to think and reason in situations is part of what makes us innately human.  Our internal dialogue/thinking is the little voice in your head that comments on your life, what is going on around you and what you are thinking (whether consciously or unconsciously).  It only makes sense then, as life is a non-stop whirlwind, that our internal dialogue runs all the time. 

When looking at Descates quote, (as seen above), I would like to venture that there is more to his statement.  Of course there is a simple meaning that can be derived - If you wonder whether or not you exist, you must, or you wouldn’t be questioning that very existence.  But, a more dizzying consideration is that there is no knockoff to thinking.  It can’t be faked.  Awareness is not a hoax.  Beyond this, I can deduce that internal voices would be very individual in that we use them to apply logic to what is happening to or around us.  Therefore, it only makes sense that no one hears the same internal voice as our individual experiences, emotions and environments are so varied.  And if I can logically conclude that internal dialogue can be as destructive as it is helpful, can I go further to assume that deductive thought and reasoning are proof of existence?  Is that enough proof? 

But then I wonder… If I can manage and change my internal dialogue patterns, does that alone debunk the idea that thought and reasoning alone prove existence?

If you’ve ever taken the time to invest in your emotional well-being and inner growth, you may have heard a life coach, a therapist or a counselor talk about controlling or changing your internal dialogue.  I personally have a non-stop, run-away-train, running monologue of thoughts and ideas while I am conscious.  It even slips into my sleeping hours and crafts my dream world.  I would like to think that something similar is still happening when I am unconscious as I think that my thoughts are connected to my soul and my soul remains the same with or without a human body.  Oh…that’s an interesting thought that I need to consider more…But, I digress… 

But is thought alone proof that we exist?  Or does it take infinitely more than just that? 

Is our existence proven by becoming aware of our internal dialogue?  Certainly, I think it is logical to make the assumption that some people pay more attention to some people pay more attention to their internal voices than others and some are more skilled at reflecting upon, listening to or even manipulating that voice.  Does awareness  solidify our existence? 

Is our existence proven by the ability to alter, change or control our internal dialogue?  If someone can “live in the present” “focus on the now” and or change their outlook focus to gratitude and positivity – mainly, if a person is mindful – is that evidence of our existence?

And so, I toy – as a cat does with a mouse – with this thought and conclude that….



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