January 21, 2017 - We Marched Today

We marched today.

We didn’t plan to, but we went at the last minute and I’m so glad we did. It was emotional. It was heart wrenching but inspiring. Best of all, there were moments of clarity throughout the day for me.

The last we heard, we were part of an estimated 200,000 who turned out here in Denver – one of the largest turn outs in Denver history and one of the larger marches in the U.S. There were many moments of sensory overload. It was hard to take in all that was happening around us. To know that the same thing was happening, not only all around the United States, but around the globe…it was powerful.

As I mentioned, my emotions ran the gamut. I was furious and then terribly sad that we have found ourselves in a position to even need to be marching. And then, I looked around and found great solace in knowing that there are so many people that feel as I do.

Of even more importance, and especially comforting to me, were the moments that Doug and I shared and the conversation and individual thoughts we shared with each other. We talked about the different signs we saw. We talked about the peaceful manner of the demonstrators. We talked about learning more about the civilizations that have fallen and the events that have led up to said falls.
But something that Doug said resonated solidly with me. “Throughout the course of history, progressive ideology always wins out.”

As I contemplate the future I can’t help but feel weary and nervous. But the thing is…he is right. Hate, anger, inequality, racism, these things that we face are learned faults that come from lack of character, hunger for power and greed. No doubt, these are powerful obstacles and typically result in persecution and dark periods in our human history.

On the other side, if you will, there is something different. Here you find the innate human characteristics that are based in caring, equality, empathy, love and the common pursuit of justice and liberty. These come from a pure, selfless place that will endure despite the repressive weight of dictators, fascism, racism, inequality and prejudice. These innate characteristics may, as history has shown, succumb to the unscrupulous actions of tyranny for a time. However, as is the very definition of progress, it moves, grows, strengthens itself and others and will not be halted.

History has many examples of those who have born crosses and rose up against tyranny, hate, injustice and repression. Many have faced, and continue to face, horrific circumstance and have done so with integrity and courage, having faith that good does in fact conquer evil. So, maybe this is a cross that I need to bear, a cross I will be proud to bear, knowing that it will allow for and support a better time, a better world when this blanket of oppression has lifted.

As for me, I ultimately feel energized by events today. Today wasn’t about what I am against, but more about what I believe in. It wasn’t so much a protest for me, but an opportunity to stand up for and celebrate the power of my voice and the rights I hold dear. No matter the opposition, I can and will stand firm.

Doug added this: 

"Today was a day of unity, love, equality, courage and vision. It was inspiring and energizing. People from all walks of life. Young and old represented different races, colors, creeds, ethnicities and social status. But it proved that, above all, we are one. One race - the human race.

Some people chose to see today as a group of protesters and rioters. That myopic view couldn't be farther from the truth. Not only was it peaceful, but it was almost celebratory. Today we celebrated America, our freedom and our right not to stand silent for injustice; but to stand in solidarity against it."


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