Let Me Be Clear - What It Was All About - January 21, 2017 Around the World

It seems there is mass confusion regarding what Saturday's marches and peaceful demonstrations were about.

First of all, this organized movement consisted of a constitutionally protected right of all Americans to participate in peaceful demonstrations. These were NOT riots! I was at one of the largest in the country and I witnessed no violence, no hate, no yelling, no ranting, no belittling, no attacking and no required police force.

Secondly, these peaceful demonstrations were not rallies against the position of the President of our United States of America. If that is what you think, you are mistaken. I would venture that the majority of my fellow countrymen and women have the highest respect for the position itself. That being said, while there are only 3 constitutional requirements to be the President of the United States, should we not expect and demand that the person holding the position of leader of the free world be just a little more? If nothing else, should they not be respectful of ALL the Country's citizens? And should even one of our fellow citizens feel persecuted as a result of comments or actions of the President not be cause for pause and concern? Should not the President of our great Country be most concerned with the well being of the country as a whole instead of their own pride? Is the President in fact, not in the employ of each and every citizen? Might that actually mean walking middle ground to foster peace and unity within our borders as well as worldwide for the greater good? Can we not expect, at a bare minimum, truth instead of "alternate facts?"

Lastly, I don't think that any thoughtful, honest person is naïve enough to think their opinions are the only right ones or that everyone believes the same thing, or better yet that we aren't all entitled to our ideas, thoughts and belief systems. I can personally say that I don't care who you voted for. But, I do care that every American stands together in a couple things:

* Our rights as a citizens of this country are protected.
* Diversity of thought, belief and background, make us strong, respectable, beautiful and powerful together.

I went out yesterday, not to tell anyone else they were wrong. I went out because I believe in the importance of not only my own voice, but the voice of others. I went out because I believe that there are times that you need to actually show up and stand up for common ethical behavior for the greater good of everyone. I was part of a march that respectfully embraced many people with different ideals and thoughts, yet somehow came together in our belief that all humans deserve respect and more so that our leaders are responsible for safeguarding that for everyone.

It wasn't just a women's march in support of equality, respect and diversity. It was a HUMAN march - for all the same reasons - for everyone. You didn't have to go out, you didn't have to march, but I did. I did it for me and my rights and for you and your rights.

If you can't or won't try to understand that; if you refuse to acknowledge the concerns of so many or objectively look at potential problems we face as a result of questionable statements and behaviors this early on, you are fooling yourself and defining yourself as part of the problem.

You have the right to ignore whatever you want, but just because you chose not to acknowledge something doesn't make it any less real. You have the right to not get involved. I can respect your position. But please don't make up "alternative facts" about my peaceful expression of my thoughts to soothe your conscience or fit your agenda.


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