Another Level in the Mire - The Defender of the Despicable

We are becoming all too familiar with and desensitized to grotesque examples of bigotry, dogmatism, greed, racism, sexism, prejudice, fanaticism, intolerance, narrow-mindedness and shameful ignorance.  It happens daily and in ways that leave many, mouths agape, in disbelief.  This abhorrent behavior is a poison that is corrupting our nation.  Worse yet, it is the man currently holding the seat of President of the United States* that is consciously handing out this sugar flavored poison to the masses with one hand and slyly coaxing the repugnant and loathsome from the shadows into the safety of his arms with the other.  It is despicable and nauseating.  I find that I am no longer shocked at the incredible amount of disrespect that Mr. Trump shows toward the American people as the human race as a whole.  It is difficult to imagine anyone deserving a more harsh judgment than what he will undoubtedly receive.  But, I present for your consideration the “ignorer of the iniquitous” and  the “defender of the despicable.”

The “Ignorer of the Iniquitous**”:  At the age of 4, I learned a valuable lesson.  On a cold morning in a church parking lot after a service, I watched older kids climb to the top of a hill and begin throwing rocks towards the parked cars.  I was astounded by what they were doing.  I couldn’t imagine doing something so awful.  I remember smugly thinking to myself from my safe huddle with a few other children, “Oh, boy are they gonna get it!”  I shuddered despite my coat, hat and mittens to think of my father’s wrath if I had been caught doing something like that.  I don’t recall how adults became aware of the situation.  Maybe it was the clink of rocks hitting cars, or the fact that the “kids were too quiet” and they came looking, but the look on my father’s face as he came toward me was enough to indicate that I was wrong in the assumption that I was in the clear.  I learned about guilt by association that day.  I learned that not getting involved was not enough.  I learned that being on the side of right was not only about avoiding the wrong, but it was also about standing up against it and making an effort to stop the injustice. 

As I see it, that means that those of us who understand the depravity of what is happening around us have a responsibility to stand up in protest of the injustice or we are in fact part of the problem.  Of course, you can participate in rallies and be an activist, but that might be too frightening or simply not possible for some.  But, there are other simpler ways that you can be part of the solution vs. part of the problem.  Stop and think about these avenues:  1) Watch your mouth – words are highly underestimated weapons.  When I stopped and thought about it, I was horrified to think about how simple words shape major issues.  Cuss words – many are degrading to women and their anatomy.  Jokes – nothing too shocking here, but even “your momma” jokes are degrading.  I’m not saying we need to be overly hyper-sensitive, but think about what is coming out of your mouth.  2) Use media wisely – chose your form of communication carefully.  Realize that ranting and name calling doesn’t help, but being active and unafraid to express your opinions in an educated and calm manner is important.  Ask questions and use all aspects of media to educate yourself.  3) Value integrity – dishonesty is the most primal and basic form of injustice.  Be true to your ideals, to what is right, to what you love and hold dear, even if it is difficult to. A world of justice will only come to a race of human beings who are courageous enough to stand for what they believe in, no matter what they have to stake for that. But courage, without integrity crosses into shamelessness, it becomes ugly and farcical. Fight hypocrisy. Walk your talk, of grasp the full power of leading by example. Call out those who claim their rights but deny the same ones to others. A bright future cannot be founded on falsity and untruth. 

But I digress…What I really wanted to mention is the second kind of deplorable person that we are becoming familiar with…

“The Defender of the Despicable**”:  Standing by and watching is one thing, but actually defending despicable actions is a whole new level in the mire that has become the Presidency and is seeping into our society.  I simply can’t figure out the thought process behind defending actions that as so basically wrong.  I struggle with this.  Even in my personal life, I have circumstance to look at bad behavior and wonder, could their psyche be so damaged as to not understand how awful they are?  I honestly have trouble believing that.  As adults, even those who endure trauma, a general sense of right and wrong is simply common sense – common decency.  So, unless you are deranged, psychopathic and or sociopathic, (in which case, you should not be wandering around in society without medicine and professional help),  there is no excuse.  Your defense of despicable behavior is simply defining the sludge that makes up you own abhorrent character.  In which case, I pity you.  I can’t imagine the loathsome shame that you feel in your quiet moments. 

And so, I ask…considering all the instances of dishonesty, corruption, greed, ignorance and depravity….How can you still defend the actions of Mr. Trump?  I really want to know.  I won’t accept accusations directed to or regarding anyone else.  I won’t accept deflection.  I won’t accept a recap of past grievances with another person.  I won’t accept pointing fingers.  I eagerly await for you to actually address issues…issues that are relevant to only Mr. Trump.  I’m ready and willing to have a conversation.  I really want to understand how this all makes sense to you.  Please… 

*Please note that I did not call Mr. Trump the POTUS.  Article II of the United States Constitution clearly define the minimum “requirements” for a President as:  1) being a "natural born Citizen," 2) being at least 35 years old and 3) having spent at least fourteen years total of residence within the US.  However, there are other qualifications that we as the American People deem necessary to hold the seat of President in our great Country.  There are professional and strategic standards that we seek in our representatives such as;  1) proven character, 2) political experience, 3) business background, 4) Education, 5) volunteer in or at least find value in community service, 6) a background in foreign affairs, 7) leadership experience and 8) military experience.  But on a very basic human level, we look for and desire to follow an effective leader a leader that that embodies trust, decisiveness, awareness, focus, accountability, empathy, confidence, optimism, honesty, and inspiration.  Leaders better their environments by motivating, energizing and setting the tone for advancement.  Leaders work mindfully as part of a team to build for the next generation.  So in case you wonder why I refuse to assign the title of POTUS to Mr. Trump, you can refer to the above list that accurately describes all that he is NOT!  

**These are not official titles of any sort.  I made them up – and they rhyme because I like things to sound good rolling off your tongue. 


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