I Want To Live, Too! (3/23/2020)

I just don't understand... Why aren't people taking this seriously? Why dare people refusing to listen. Why are people insisting on perpetuating the problem despite the warnings? Stay home means exactly that - not go visit your friends. This isn't vacation. It's the lives of those we care about...and while the elderly have been hit hard initially, it's EVERYONE ...all of our lives are at risk. This is just the beginning. Why is that so hard for people to see and understand? The death tolls are going to rise exponentially in the weeks to come. That's what they are trying to tell us. We trust doctors and specialists when we need medical care, but we won't listen to them now, when we are facing a pandemic? This isn't just the flu. The flu is a human virus - something our bodies can fight. Covid-19 is NOT. It is a 'novel' virus that is changing and morphing faster than anyone could have guessed and so controlling it is next t...