A Perfect Moment: (Weekend of 3/6-8, 2020)

If you know us, you know that we (Doug and I) attend a lot of Roger Clyne & the Peacemaker concerts and events.  We travel to listen to their music and the music of other favorite artists like Jim Dalton and the Railbenders, The Jons, The Black Moods and new to my list of favorites, Max Mackey…and yet - many more. 

You surely see us post our travels and our attendance to music festivals and other music related adventures.  You may even have called us “groupies.”  What you don’t see and may not understand is that while the music brings us together, entertains and moves us, it is so much more than just the music.  It’s the close circle of like-minded people that we gather around us and their easy comfortable friendships that we revel in and feel charged by.  We consider them our tribe and we are so grateful for each person and the special gifts they bring into our lives. 

This past weekend was a marathon of fun, friends and music.  And amidst it all, I was blessed with a perfect moment. 

Pardon my digression, but I think it is important to detail what I define as a perfect moment, for assuredly, such a moment is defined differently from person to person. 

For me, a perfect moment is a moment in time that sneaks up on you, steals your breath and leaves you glowing in its shimmering blissfulness. Its perfection reaches all your senses and rests there.  The moment slows for just a split second and allows itself to be devoured by all your senses.   

It can’t be manufactured or planned.  Such moments are as wily, unique, individual and as fleeting as a snowflake blown about in a winter storm.  These moments live perfectly for a just a moment in time, and then maybe only as a fleeting memory in the recesses of your mind and heart.  Yet, if, in that moment, you dare to think past it, you understand its fragility and are left full of gratitude for the gift of such perfection and with hope that it may later be evoked unexpectedly by the call of touch, sight, smell or possibly taste.  But its true perfection is in the moment – the here and now of the sensation.   

And so…my perfect moment... 

Friday evening, on a mission, I walked into a room swelling with a musical version of love and it took my breath away.  I stopped short and took in the feeling that was weaving its way around the room.  In this moment, time slowed a fraction and I was overcome by the movement and sway of the gathered crowd.  I watched as the music enchanted my friends – old and new.  On the wings of the tune and inspired by the lyrics, I watched people reach out and tenderly grab the hands of dear friends, lovers exchanged kisses, strangers embraced the shoulders of the person next to them, others sought out each other and connected across the room with a tender smile or wink of acknowledgement.  I could feel the performers opening their hearts and filling the room from a place deep within themselves.  I could sense the crowd accept that love and send it back out for others.  It was perfection.   

I was jolted off task at the time and even now, for the life of me, I cannot recall the song.  But the feeling…I will never forget that feeling.  It filled up every one of my senses.  I felt as though I was part of a living, breathing expression of endless love and light.  That perfect moment, that feeling, will be with me forever. 

Beyond Friday night, we reveled in our time with friends, more music, cherished moments to talk and connect, memories made and so much more.  And so, should you read this and still wonder why we are so involved in this music…well, I can tell you that it is so much more than just the music.  The time we spend and the people we spend it with are a manifestation of who we are, who we want to be and the ideals that we hold dear.  This tribe we belong to…they are strong, caring, kind, capable, loving, hopeful, generous, giving, talented, devoted, trust-worth, truly good humans at their core…and we cherish all of them. 

Find your tribe.  Open your heart.  I promise it will be worth it…in ways that you can’t even imagine! 



  1. Oh my gosh, Autumn! This made me tear up! And I get it! Thank you for letting me be part of your tribe! Love you, sister! Elizabeth


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