I Want To Live, Too! (3/23/2020)

I just don't understand...

Why aren't people taking this seriously?  Why dare people refusing to listen.  Why are people insisting on perpetuating the problem despite the warnings?

Stay home means exactly that - not go visit your friends.  This isn't vacation.

It's the lives of those we care about...and while the elderly have been hit hard initially, it's EVERYONE ...all of our lives are at risk.

This is just the beginning.  Why is that so hard for people to see and understand?

The death tolls are going to rise exponentially in the weeks to come.  That's what they are trying to tell us.  We trust doctors and specialists when we need medical care, but we won't listen to them now, when we are facing a pandemic?

This isn't just the flu.  The flu is a human virus - something our bodies can fight.  Covid-19 is NOT.  It is a 'novel' virus that is changing and morphing faster than anyone could have guessed and so controlling it is next to impossible as the virus itself adapts and changes in ways we can't even begin to predict.

Yes, we are all going to feel it financially.  All of us will take huge hits and our lives will change.  But I for one want to actually be alive and have a life that I will need to change after this.

I worry and cry daily in fear that I am, (because I am at high risk with asthma, cancer recovery and resulting immune deficiency) going to die.  Because despite my husbands efforts to protect me and my efforts to stay away...there are so many that are too short-sighted to see and accept the big picture.

And therefore, they are choosing themselves and their lives over mine - they are giving me, and hundreds of thousands like me a death sentence because I have, of no fault of my own, an immune system that can't fight this off.

'Darwinism?' 'Survival of the fittest?' 'Thinning the herd?'  FUCK YOU!

You don't have the right to say my life doesn't matter as much as yours and condemn me to die. I can't imagine the guilt I would carry knowing a made selfish choices that ended the lives of other people.

OK...you don't give a sh!t about me, I get that.  But what about your friends and family.  How can you in good conscience act in a manner that shows you willing to sacrifice your spouse, your children, your parents, your family, your friends?  For what? A trip out for a drink? A trip to the store? A joke with a friend?   Really?!? Are you that awful of a human-being?!?

I wish our government would step in.  I believe their intervention is vital.  Because without it, I (and many like me) die.  Why? Because otherwise, as we see, people aren't taking it seriously.

I don't want to die.  Not yet.

I'm sorry your child won't graduate with their class.  I'm sorry they are going to miss their final dance recital or sporting game.  I'm sorry you are bored.  I'm sorry you may be unemployed. I'm sorry you can't get to the gym and have gained 6 #s.  I'm sorry you missed your favorite band.  I'm sorry you have to stay home and care for your child because you can't afford daycare.  I am...I too hate this and I know we will all have years of recovery ahead of us in many ways...

But, please don't put your ideals, material possessions and wants above other people's lives.

Please, don't point your financial woes at my head and pull the trigger.

I want to live, too.


UPDATE TO ORIGINAL POST:  I am not looking for sympathy. I'm not playing the victim.  I am very fortunate to be able to work from home at this time.

When I say "l," I mean "we" (to include all those at high risk, because of underlying health conditions, immune deficiencies, those of fragile age - both young and old, as well as those who have had to postpone life-saving procedures they've been waiting on for too long - such as organ transplants and surgeries etc. because our medical system can't take on anything more at this time.  We can't even handle this pandemic, let alone anything else.  God forbid you are going to have a baby, a kidney stone, a car accident, a broken wrist...

That being said, neither am not picking on one person.  We have friends and family all over the country.  We have loved ones in States that are already on lock down, friends and family who are high risk, who've lost their jobs, who still have to go outside their home to work.

My commentary isn't about opinions, or how people are dealing with their reality.  I am questioning the selfish acts of those who are blatantly disregarding recommendations from our public and medical leaders and risking public safety for what??? - a dinner party? a drink in a bar, a weekend on the beach, a workout at the gym? a cheap flight?

The reason that I wrote this from a place of vulnerability and fear, the reason I shared it publicly, is that hopefully the sincerity of it - the reality of my emotion might strike some one and make them think beyond themselves for just a second.

"A guilty conscience needs no accuser." Bhawya

#covid-19 #pandemic #socialdistancing


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