How Close We Are: A Poem - by Autumn Boyet-Stinton (October 2021)

     The other night, we were stopped at a stoplight, leaving downtown.  A car pulled up in the other turning lane next to us, stopped briefly and then then turned across traffic against the traffic light as though the light meant nothing to them.  

     That incident got me to you ever stop and think about how close we are to total anarchy?  Seriously.  Thinking back to that simple traffic stoplight - Why did they think they were above the law?  What's to prevent someone else pulling up and thinking, "If they don['t have to stop, neither do I!" 

When you stop to think about it for a second, our semi-controlled and peaceful existence is precariously balanced on the ideals that we should all follow guidelines that protect the peace and make us a society of law abiding citizens that look out for the good of all, not just the good of ourselves.  

     The reality is that the numbers are actually pretty intimidating and frightening when you stop to consider the fact the number of citizens compared to the number of law enforcement and those in power.  The numbers are certainly skewed in favor of the masses.  

     A small shove in the wrong direction, coupled with a few well-orchestrated "incidents"  ...and god-forbid a couple natural disasters thrown into the mix - and anarchy is not so far-fetched or difficult to imagine.  

How Close We Are...
By Autumn Boyet-Stinton (10/2021) 

One breath away from anarchy, 
    One shove from the abyss.

We walk the line of insanity,
    When for control we shout: "resist!"

But is it a right we lose each time,
    The law we choose to follow?

Or is our society more at risk,
    When in self-absorption we do wallow.  

The boundaries may be set me friend, 
    To keep us safe and sound. 

We choose our rules by those who lead,
    Who firmly stand their ground.

A stand that's taken because we know, 
    The sacrifice is great.

To preserve the future for all mankind,
    Before it is too late.  


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