My Mind Meandering - Undefinable Love - (Thursday, October 12, 2017)

Undefinable Love

I randomly riding the waves of thought and surfing my mind today when I came across a thought that stymied me.  I briefly contemplated love and what I thought to be its meaning.  People the world over, for as long as we have historic proof, have been trying to express love - in poems, songs, writing, art, actions, etc.  It is a quest at which I would venture to say no one has conquered.  It really isn’t definable.  I do agree that love is a language in and of its very own.  But I think that language is mysterious and fluid.  Just as one believes to have a grasp of love, it slips through the fingers.  When love is searched out, it remains elusive, yet when least expected, it is found.  Love is part circumstance, part faith, part fate and part imagination. 

When you tally all the variables of love itself with the inconsistency of individuals, their circumstance and personalities, not to mention the experiences of the people and lives that intersect with theirs - LOVE simply defies explanation.

It is common to hear people ask and ponder why some love makes it while other versions of love fail.  However, when considering the ways in which love is in defiance of itself, I see every reason to understand failure in love.  Love is:

·        formless yet perfect form;

·        primal yet foreign;

·        intoxicating yet sobering;

·        delicious yet poisonous;

·        mysterious yet familiar;

·        satisfying yet troubling;

·        blissful yet tragic;

·        enjoyable yet heartbreaking;

·        chaste yet wanton;

·        kind yet cruel;

·        baffling yet all too fathomable;

·        resilient yet unyielding;

·        difficult yet easy;

·        alchemistic yet obvious;

·        visible yet hidden;

·        elusive but magnetic;

·        tangible yet abstract;

·        conceptual but all too real;

·        spiritual yet physical;

·        calculated yet unintentional;

·        delicate yet durable;

·        difficult yet accommodating;

·        subjective yet unbiased;

·        visceral yet reasoned;

·        sensible yet ridiculous;

·        ambiguous yet definite;

·        honest yet misleading;

·        unfair yet just;

·        unreliable yet certain;

·        capricious yet reliable;

·        coincidental yet expected;

·        fortuitous yet calculated, and

·        intimate yet public.   

The understanding of love may escape us.  We may be tortured by love.  We may blame love and stumble our way through the mind-field of an anguished heart.  But that blame falls not to love.  It is our simplistic human tendencies that complicate love. 

Yet despite the contradiction and the possible pain that failed love brings, there is something greater than that failure; something that outshines the negative; something that keeps us entranced and coming back for more.  When love not only survives, but grows and flourishes, it is enigmatically mesmerizing.  One cannot look away nor deny the power of love. 

Love will carry us.  Love conquers, heals and transcends our simple human minds if we celebrate and cherish it in the moment.  Let love be and it will be with you and you will be with love. 

Art By Autumn Boyet Stinton © 2012


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