Had Enough? Want to Make a Difference? Find a Way to Get Involved! (11/22/2017)

My response to yet another 2:30 AM Twitter rant (that I won't even validate by giving any mention to here) that we've all become too accustomed to from Mr. Donald Trump. 

It isn't fair to lump all his supporters into one category. I would assume there are people who voted for him that are now horrified.

Don't get me wrong - president or not, Mr. @realDonaldTrump is a deplorable human being. He has brought sickening adversities to the forefront in our country and in the world. He is a shining example of what NOT to be. He is, without question, the epitome of what is wrong with our world – hatred, self-consumption, greed, self-loathing, deception, bigotry, entitlement…and the list goes on and on.

The true tragedy in all this will be if we don’t learn from this man, who will undoubtedly be remembered among the worst U.S. Presidents in the history of this country.

It is easy to focus on all the awful things that @realDonaldTrump does and says. You would have to be dead to not be aware of the plethora of instances that make your skin crawl and/or blood curdle. Despite the disgusting influence that his presence oozes into our society and the abhorrent actions that he and his family are guilty of, there is one redeeming thing that comes from all this. We have been given a glimpse into the depravity of this type of person, and sadly, there are more closet a$$holes than we probably realized.

But, it gives us an opportunity to look wrong in the face and adamantly reject it. It isn’t enough to simply gripe about it. We are part of the problem if we piss and moan and do nothing more. You want to make a difference? Be a patriot! Be the person who takes action to support and defend what you hold dear from contemptible, loathsome enemies of what is just and right. Enemies like @relDonaldTrump See him for the sad, pathetic excuse for a human that he is and pity him and the fowl, tortured, demented existence that lives. And then…take action!

It seems insurmountable. And, I will admit that I was/am terrified, oscillating between fear of how awful this really is and not knowing if I personally have what it takes to stand up for and against what I know is wrong. It may seem insurmountable. But there are things we can do. While it may seem small, there are things that we can do that will make a difference:

1. STOP FOLLOWING TRUMP. He is leading you around by your nose and captivating you with “oh, shiny” distractions to keep you riled up and not focusing on the bigger issues.

2. PAY for quality journalism. Get a subscription to the NY Times, the Washington Post or maybe even donate money to a local NPR.

3. Go a step further and read something that might make a difference – read history and philosophy. (Plato’s Republic, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Hillbilly Elegy, Eichmann in Jerusalem to name a few)

4. Educate yourself re: strong opposing arguments and call out “fake news.” This means simply avoiding what is called “partisan porn.”

5. Don’t fall victim to “sinking to their level.” That means (as challenging as it is) avoid calling people idiots and uneducated. That only divides us and if ever there was a time to be united in a resistance, it is now.

6. Start an action group. Meet (in person) with like-minded people who want to build community and get involved.

7. In line with #6 – Pick a local organization that is getting neglected and involved or take classes from anti-racist organizations like AWARE or SURJ.

8. Donate to effective and neglected charities. (The Trevor Project, International Refugee Assistance Project, or check out this page: http://www.pajiba.com/.../charities-to-donate-to-in... )

9. Speak out when you see hateful behavior in public. Trump’s America has cast a light on the evils that had cowered away into that shadows. But it doesn’t mean we have to be ok with it. You don’t have to fight or yell or put yourself in danger, but don’t stand by and approve hateful behavior by saying nothing. I learned at an early age that being quiet and saying nothing about things I saw that I knew were wrong made me just as guilty as the one committing the wrong doing. Call it out. AND…take a moment to think about what YOU say and do. There might have been a time that you teased or said things to someone that were meant in jest. But despite your intention, were your words hateful and hurtful. (Side note: I was thinking recently about the game Cards Against Humanity. We laugh and joke about the outcome of each hand. That game gives us license to “say” things that we might never otherwise say…but is that ok? …something to think about) This is an amazing link for anyone to get a refresher: https://www.splcenter.org/.../speak-responding-everyday...

10. Want to help but remain semi-anonymous? Sign up for emails and look into signing petitions from places like www.change.org or www.moveon.org

All that being said, I know how easy it is to sink into a pit of despair as a result of what is going on in our country and the world. I can’t take it most of the time. I hate to watch the news. I avoid political outrage and find that I even walk away from discussions because I just can’t take it – it hurts my soul! But, I REFUSE to become desensitized to sexual harassment, racism, mass shootings, bigotry! I will not close my door of my safe home and block out the fact that these things are running rampant in this world Just because it hasn’t yet knocked on my door doesn’t mean that it won’t and it doesn’t mean that I can just ignore it. This won’t just go away.

I can make a difference. The 10 things above may be small things, but they can give you hope in this crazy world. They can help focus your energy to something that can make a difference, inspire others and promote unity. I know that I am not required to and can’t fix everything, but I am scared of the world we live in today. I know that change has to happen and WILL happen, but it is going to take all of us. So, I beg you…FIND A WAY TO GET INVOLVED!


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