A Thing Happened Once...And it Happened AGAIN! (January 2019)

A thing happened. It has only happened one other time that I can recall. Last time it was 2015, high up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I connected to the earth. I wasn’t trying to do it. As a matter of fact, I don’t know how I did it. It was dizzying, disorienting, powerful and fleeting. Yet, it was one of the most moving and amazing things I’ve ever experienced. It was an out-of-body experience, but ironically, I’ve never felt more in my body. For a precious moment I was me - I was the earth I sat upon - I was the trees and the breeze through the leaves - My feet rooted me and my head expanded into the universe – In the time allowed for one intake of breath, I was everything and I was nothing. Things shifted in me. It was beyond spiritual. It was a gift that I treasure I’ve talked about that experience and the impact of this gift in great length with my guide. ...