A Thing Happened Once...And it Happened AGAIN! (January 2019)

A thing happened.  It has only happened one other time that I can recall. 

Last time it was 2015, high up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  I connected to the earth.  I wasn’t trying to do it.  As a matter of fact, I don’t know how I did it.  It was dizzying, disorienting, powerful and fleeting.  Yet, it was one of the most moving and amazing things I’ve ever experienced. 

It was an out-of-body experience, but ironically, I’ve never felt more in my body.  For a precious moment I was me - I was the earth I sat upon - I was the trees and the breeze through the leaves - My feet rooted me and my head expanded into the universe – In the time allowed for one intake of breath, I was everything and I was nothing. 

Things shifted in me.  It was beyond spiritual.  It was a gift that I treasure  

I’ve talked about that experience and the impact of this gift in great length with my guide.  I feel humbled to have had such an experience.

However, just this past month, it happened again. 

Mid-January 2019*, I found myself on the shores of the Sea of Cortez on a planned trip with friends.  The days were to be filled with food, drink, friends, music, dancing and fun. 

I felt the draw of the ocean and the water before I even saw it.  Upon arrival, I was repeatedly drawn to the color of water and the soft rush of the gentle tide as I have never been before.  I was intoxicated by everything to do with the sea. 

I didn’t anticipate the strong need I would have to just “be” and found myself carving out time to commune, alone.  I attended some of the events but was forever drawn to listen to and watch the surf.

On the first night, I sat alone, late into the evening on our patio, entranced by the sound of the surf as the tide came in.  When I went to crawl into bed, I slept with the door open so as to continue listening – being connected.  I also got up multiple times to stand on the balcony and “check on” and listen to the tide coming in and going out.  I continued doing this nightly the entire time we were there. 

On the first full day we were there, I walked the beach and dipped my toes into the cool water.  It was tantalizing and refreshing. 

I couldn’t resist – I was back the next morning.  On the same evening, the third night, I decided to stay in and relax while everyone went out to a concert.  It wasn’t long before I found myself at the water’s edge.  The tide was coming in and I found the pull of the water to be irresistible.  I found a spot, sat on the incline and let the surf come and retreat over my feet and legs while I buried my hands in the sand, still slightly warm from the day’s sun.  As I closed my eyes to breathe in the salty, cool air, the connection was complete. 

I felt the water rush my skin and tickle energy into my body just before I felt the water retreat with what initially felt like my energy.  With a gasp, I felt the cool water return to lap my feet again, bringing with it, cool energy that wound its way up my legs and into my chest.  I was memorized and lulled with the feeling that the water in my body was swaying in time with the surf itself – as if one.  I don’t know that it lasted more than a couple heartbeats, but with one final deep breath, I realized that the tide was cleansing me – taking the negative and re-filling my soul with balanced energy. 

Once again, I felt things shift as I had before in 2015.  While different this time, it was still powerful.

I found it remarkable that I was drawn to the ocean like that, knowing that I am such a mountain person.  It proves to me that not only being open is the key, but it also reiterates that I really shouldn’t ever claim to know anything…even about myself. 

These are the moments in life that are so special. 

*Side note:  The weekend that we were in Mexico was also the appearance of the Blood Wolf Moon of 2019  


I’M DRAWN TO YOU:  A FREE-VERSE POEM – Inspired by the Sea of Cortez
By Autumn Boyet-Stinton (January 2019)

 I’m drawn to you. 

Your power is masked by the constant of your rhythm – forever shushing in and rushing out.    

Drawn toward the very sound of you - awakening a stirring within me at the taste of you on my lips.   

You speak to me institutionally and I know your language -  bodies of water affected by celestial motion. 

Lulled and drawn as if pulled by a string – I listen to your music and follow your call to your shores.

Air stirs around you and I breathe your vibration into me – removing the residue of life that lingers around my heart. 

We touch, and I feel your liquid energy caress and fondle my skin – a tentative touch meant simply to familiarize. 

Beyond the tantalization, I feel a surge and recognize your energy – it is as old as time yet pure vibrancy. 

Our connection swirls in a heady mix of texture and temperature – cool and warm, fast and slow, soft and rough. 

You came, and you gave with a gentle push, even and sure – then you go and you take, leaving as you came. 

With a gasp I mourn your retreat and feel your absence – yet I know your return is imminent and our connection remains.

Here at your edge I am mesmerized by you – I need not touch you to feel grounded and sure. 

More than just grounding, you offer me flow – over and over you come to offer your balance and leave with my stress. 

You cleanse, and you heal, you balance and neutralize – gifts of your bounty you share freely to all. 

Without cease you never tire or grow weary – offering to any who will accept a invitation to reconnect. 

I’m drawn to you.   

Photography by Autumn Boyet-Stinton 
Puerto Penasco, MX 
January 2019


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