A Little Philosophy Goes a Long Way (11/22/2017)

In my quest to know myself better, I was inspired to come back to the very basic ideas that we all encountered in Philosophy 101. But hold on, before you think that I’m being all philosophic and smart, let me tell you that my line of thinking was inspired by the movie “Elf.” There is a line in the movie where the writers are talking to Myles Finch and they complement his children’s book by the name of Gus’s Pickles by saying: “It’s existential, yet so accessible.” I mean, by all means feel free to think I’m brilliant, but know that my train of thought was fueled by a make-believe story (that I do absolutely love, BTW!). But, back to my ramble about Essentialism vs. Existentialism. If I remember correctly, the philosophy goes something like this: Essentialism is a belief system based on human life having an innate or intrinsic purpose, but we each find our own individual life purpose. Whereas, Existentialism is a belief system that ...