An Ode to My Friend: A Poem (4/4/2018)

There are times in my adult life that I am unable to do what "I" want.  I get bound up in the machinations of life that burden and weigh me down.  I know this is not unique to me, as is evident by the ever popular saying that you see all over that declares:  "I don't want to adult today!" 

Most recently I am acutely aware of how life is railroading me and preventing me from carving out time to connect with my dearest friend. 

As much as I hate it, this does happen every-so-often.  Our paths veer away from each other for a time.  And while I acutely feel her absence in my daily life as a hollow in my heart, the binds that connect us are strong and we always find our way back into the security of our close friendship. 

Despite the fact that she remains in my heart and part of my being, the fact remains that I mourn her absence in my daily life.  I find that in the temporary distance I think of her more than ever.  I self-talk in my head in her voice and consider "What would Denise say/do?" when I need to make decisions or choices. 

I love that I have this kind of friendship in my life.  I feel quite fortunate to know the type of friendship that spans lifetimes and encompasses and defines true agape love. 

And so, I felt compelled to write an ode to friendship ode to my friend, always, Denise. 

Happy birthday month!  I love you my dear, sweet friend!

An Ode to My Friend
By Autumn Boyet Stinton - April 2018
For my friend, Denise Davie-Marcum 

I gathered up friends in the dawn of my life,
gulping down fun oblivious to strife.

I wasted my time with frivolous fun,
basking in youth and the warmth of its sun.

Rushing about with nary a care in my head,
               desiring to miss nothing forward I sped. 

Surrounded by people who made my heart light,
               good-timing friends focused on everything trite.

Willing away age with carefree abandon,
               focused on playing and always the Chandan. 

And fun it sure was while the party did last,
               but youth speeds away in but a flash.

As life carries on and roles start to change,
               a shift began happening that felt rather strange.

Some friendships eroded and dissolved over time,
               While others just faded into being benign.

And yet but a diamond remained in my midst,
               a keeper of secrets, one protecting our tryst. 

Never needing a thank you, the praise or the glory,
               she treasures the past as just part of our story.

Always looking beyond what I see in myself,
               not just a friend to sit on a shelf.
Offering input and always cheering me on,
               never holding against me errors bygone.

She gives of herself more freely than most,
               Letting others shine she does not frequently boast.

What a treasure she is, one I handle with care,
               for without her in my life, I’d not like to dare.
With love and compassion this note I do send,
               my ode to one so special, my true life-long friend. 

"SOUL SISTERS" - © Autumn Boyet Stinton 2003


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