My Own North Star: A Poem (4/3/2018)

My Own North Star
By Autumn Boyet-Stinton  (4/3/2018)
Lost in life, wandering to and fro
               aimless in my quest. 

 Tired, worn with little hope
               I face yet another mighty test. 
For daily trials do weight me down
               and make me weary of the heart. 

Overwhelmed, encumbered, trampled down
               little joy does life impart. 

And at my lowest wrought in pain
               I struggling to find a reason.

Yet something deep inside reminds me that  
               to every pain there is a season.

Wallowing in despair is seems
               may be my human curse.

But my humanity also lends to hope
               beyond the hard I must traverse. 

For while the darkness may seep in
               it chills my very core.

The cold awakens my instinct
               and I recall that there is more. 

Inside my heart there is a spark
               that never dims nor dies. 

My truest, most beautiful, unique core
               sometimes hidden in a guise.

But cover does not squelch the ember
               that sets my soul aglow. 

For lost or found I will be called
              back to my north star, I know. 

Once rekindled and reintroduced
               It’s much easier for me to see.

If I follow my north star
               I’ll always be where I’m meant to be. 


 A Doodle by Autumn Boyet Stinton ©2018


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