I am full of $H!T (4/25/2018)
I do not deny – I AM FULL OF
Seriously. I tend to be wrapped up in my feelings, my
thoughts, my excuses, my life …my shit!
If honest, we have to admit that we are all active participants in a
24/7 shit show. Our society is
self-absorbed, self-consumed, pleasure-driven and rarely do we stop to think
about how our actions, words and deeds effect anyone else.
Have you ever stopped to
consider the things that simply roll off your tongue compared to any actual
follow up that you make to those words? Have
you ever bumped into someone, had a quick cordial chat and ended with, “Let’s
get coffee and catch up” or simply, “We should connect soon!” How many times
have you walked away, rolled your eyes or said under your breath, “Yeah,
right!” or “What a tool!” You’ve done
it…I’ve done it. Yep! FULL OF SHIT!
How about this one: You have hundreds of people you are connected
with on any one of a plethora of social media platforms, right? Me too!
Of those hundreds of people, you actual see, spend time with or talk to
maybe 1% of them on any sort or regular basis.
However, in your real-life conversations, have you referred to one of
those persons as “a friend of mine?” Or have you wished said “friend” a happy
birthday or anniversary or given one of their pictures or posts a hearty
“thumbs up” or the ever generous “heart emoji?”
Well aren’t you a dear friend!
Nope! Nuh-uh! FULL OF SHIT!
Which brings me to my most
recent FOS realization. (FOS, being Full
of Shit in case you had a long day and weren’t able to make the connection –
That isn’t me being full of shit…I’m just being snarky! 😊)
ANYWAY…back to yet another example of and most recent a-ha moment when
it comes to being full of shit.
I subscribe to a belief in
fate. I do. Partially.
Are there predetermined courses of events? Yes.
Once a baby is born, they will live until they die. Death is predetermined. We know we will die. But, can we with absolution say how we will
live until death and then how we will die?
No. That is where a new piece in
my belief system is introduced and intertwined into my belief in fate – It is
my understanding of free will.
Be means of my free will, I can
act without the constraint of fate. I
have the ability to act at my own discretion so as to make choices and
decisions between different possible courses of action – unimpeded - that will,
no doubt, affect my life and possibly how and when I die. But, as fate would have it, I will still die
at some point.
Now, here is my admission of the shittiness of which I am full of. I have been known to say, (if you could see me, you would notice a visible cringe), “What’s meant to be, will be” or “Everything happens for a reason.” Don’t get me wrong - in and of itself, those are true statements. However, the issue in my mind comes when it is used as an excuse. An excuse to avoid hard work; an excuse to avoid dealing with our feelings; and excuse to be complacent; an excuse to avoid responsibility for our actions; an excuse to console ourselves or someone else; an excuse when we don’t understand; an excuse when we are at a loss for words. An excuse. And that mean my friends, if we are using fate as a crutch …you guessed it, we are FULL OF SHIT!
The idea of fate can be
comforting. We can use it to build a
little nest of security. It’s an easy
crutch to get us through things that are sometimes too difficult to traverse. When we are at a loss, it’s nice that we can
blame an all-encompassing, unanticipated, yet always present force for anything
and everything that happens to us.
Relying on the crutch of fate can ease guilt and take away our sense of
responsibility. And what’s more, it is
easy to welcome fate as a guiding sign of where to go next.
The thing is, this
romanticized view of fate leaves us complacent.
It skews my understanding and perception of free will. Without a doubt, it is so much easier to
blame a loss or failure on fate – it just wasn’t “meant to be.” But there is a big reason to be concerned
here. Actually, there are a couple
reasons. 1. I think we owe ourselves more credit than
that. I don’t know about you, but I work
hard to achieve dreams and make my desires a reality. I think we are far more responsible for the
direction our lives take. 2. Fate may be a safe comfort zone – and I can’t
speak for you, but the unpredictable, alluringly messy, beautiful disaster that
is life – well, that happens outside my comfort zone and I’m not willing to
give that up.
So, I think that I need to
calibrate my belief system. I can be
honest and true and kind. I can accept
responsibility while living in the river of life, floating along on my raft of
fate…but that doesn’t mean I have to be FULL OF SHIT!
Real – that is shit
Autumn Boyet - Circa 1977
Photography by The Durango Herald
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